Tenant FAQs

How do I report a maintenance item?

For normal non-urgent maintenance items please use your tenant portal on our website to put in a maintenance request.  If you are unable to use the portal please call 1-888-773-1154 and leave a detailed message with your maintenance issue and staff will return your call to schedule service call.  Be sure to provide us with the best possible time to reach you. If the item is urgent and it is during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) someone will call you the same day.  To report emergency maintenance needs please call 1-888-773-1154.   For police or fire emergencies, dial 911 before calling us.

What is considered an after hours emergency?

The following are examples of maintenance emergencies. The main sewer line is backed up. A pipe broke and water is leaking into the home. There was a break-in and you have an unsecured entrance to the home. After hours call 1-888-773-1154 and follow the instructions. Someone will respond within 30 minutes. If it is after 8:00 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m. and the call is not an emergency, you could be charged for the call.

What are your hours?

We are open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  Maintenance staff is available 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

Can I be charged for maintenance at the property?

Yes, if resident damage or neglect causes the maintenance, you will be charged for it. Also, you can be billed for a service call if you miss an appointment with one of our maintenance contractors.

Can I install cable or satellite TV at the property?

Generally yes. However, you must first obtain written permission from the property manager. We do not allow satalite dish on exterior of building or mounted to roof due to damages this will cause to building.

Can I install extra telephone lines?

Generally yes. However, you must also obtain written permission from the property manager to do this. All costs of installing extra phone lines are the responsibility of the resident.

What are my rights to privacy if the landlord wants to enter the property?

We will follow all tenant landlord ordinances for your city by providing either 24 hour notice in Oakland California or 48 hour notice in Chicago Illinois.

What are my responsibilities if my company transfers me before the end of the lease?

Let your property manager know what is happening as soon as possible so we can begin marketing the property for a replacement resident. Please refer to our policy on early termination of Residential agreement, which you signed at lease signing for more details.

Can I sub-lease the property?

No. The lease agreement clearly states that the resident shall not sublet any portion of the property or assign the agreement without written consent from your property manager.

Can I rent a steam cleaner and clean the carpets myself when I move out?

No. Your rental agreement provides that all carpets must be professionally cleaned using an approved vendor, with a copy of the invoice submitted to your property manager at check out.

Can I get a pet after move-in?

No.  We do not allow pets (dogs, cats, or large aquariums) at any of our properties.  When we acquire properties, there are sometimes existing tenants who may have a pet.  That pet is grandfathered in but when that pet is gone no more will be allowed.

When and how should I give my notice to vacate?

It is important to refer to your lease for the specific terms in your own residential agreement. In all leases, notice to vacate must be received by writing notice or through your tenant portal.  All leases require a minimum 30-day notice which can be given on any day of the month.

What happens if my roommate moves out before the end of the lease?

If your roommate moves out, a written notice needs to be submitted to the property manager. Remember that tenants are jointly and singularly liable to ensure that the rent is paid. You must have written permission from the property manager to substitute a roommate.  You will need permission from property manager to have a new roommate and that roomate must be thoroughly screened as you were screened prior to moving in. 

I have always paid my rent on time. Why did I receive a Non-Payment of Rent notice when the rent was only 6 days late?

The rent is due on the first of the month and is considered late if not paid by the end of business on the 5th day.